Are you ready to get cooking? Together with members of Kliché, you can cook delicious recipes and have fun at the same time. We hope that you will join us making Nachos! (Password: 401712)
This recipe serves 6 people, so you can adjust it or invite your roommates to eat together!
The ingredients needed are:
• 2 bags of tortilla chips
• 2 onions
• 2 cloves of garlic
• 2 bellpeppers (red or yellow)
• 300g minced meat
• Jar of taco-sauce*
• 2 Avocados
• lemon or lemonjuice
• bag of quacamole-spices kruiden
• small can of corn
• small can of kidney beans
• 200g shredded cheese
• salt and pepper
• 1 spanish pepper
• small jar of Jalapeno peppers
• fresh coriander
• Crème fraîche
*you can make this yourself with a can of tomatopaste and some spices (cumin, paprika, curry, garlic, chili powder, etc.)