Interview with Yulisa, Our new confidant for 2024-2025
Can you tell us something about yourself?
Hii I’m Yulisa, 21 years old and a second year CreaTe student. I love travelling, hanging out with friends, reading and more!
Are you a cat or a dog person?
I am a 1000% dog person, and I have a small dog called Chico.
You will be the confidant of Kliché this year. What does being a confidant actually entail?
Being the confidant means that you can talk to me whenever you feel or have felt uncomfortable about something. It could have happened at the association, work or elsewhere. I will try to help you solve it, or direct you towards a person that could. You can also contact me if something else is bothering you!!
Why did you decide to serve as a confidant this year?
I decided to serve as a confidant this year because I think it is important that everyone has the chance to talk in with someone if something is bothering you.
When and how can we reach you?
You can reach me through whatsapp on my confidant phone number. It can be about sexual harassment, a conflict or just simply feeling down. If you feel like you want to talk about it, that’s a valid enough reason!
What can we wake you up for in the middle of the night?
Oeff that’s a hard one… I would say sushi or ice cream. Or you can wake me up to go on a trip!
Is there still anything you want to say to our members?
I want to emphasize that you can always contact me! Even though it may seem like a minor issue, I am always here to listen.
You can reach Yulisa by shooting her a message on whatsapp. Our confidant phone number is 0649248653.