Dear member,
We hereby send you the ETCETERA newsletter for the month October! We will give an overview of the fun activities in October in the calendar for this month. Michael has posted on the NoteBoard, and there will be a very special, musical member memo by Emma.
- 4 October:Deadline commissions. After the information lunch, you should now have a clear picture of what it means to join a committee. The information about the two committees can still be found on our website. If you have any more questions about this, feel free to contact Paulien (06-83534096). If you want to join one of the committees, please send your motivation letter and CV to before 4 October 23:59.
- 8 October:Exam help. As we progress through the first period of this academic year, the first exam period is getting closer and closer. A lot of you guys are first year students, who have not yet experienced the feeling of a university exam. Especially during these weird times, we can imagine that you feel nervous for your first (online) exam. We would like to help you out! We will give tips and tricks for learning for your first exams, and we will tell you what you can expect. And of course you can ask us any questions that you have about (learning for) the first exam week.
- 15 October:Murder mystery. During the introduction week, we organised a murder mystery for the first year students. Due to the great turnout and positive feedback for that event, we will give all of our members who have not yet participated in the murder mystery the chance to do so! A few weeks ago, we already noticed that there was sufficient enthusiasm for this plan, so we decided to realize it! It will be the same mystery as the one during the intro week, so for our first year students, participating won't be much fun. But we could use some help collecting and checking the answers of the detectives, so if you want to be a Chief Officer, please contact us!
- 29 October:Game night. What better way to let go of all the exam stress than a nice little game night? Join us for an online night of fun!
All activities in October will still be on Zoom, due to COVID-19. We were looking into arranging a physical activity on a location where it would be possible to keep the 1.5 meters distance. But as the second wave of corona is currently coming up in the Netherlands, and especially in Amsterdam, we decided it would not be sensible to come together with a big group of people. For now, this is the situation we have to deal with, but we will keep looking into possibilities to meet each other in person in a safe manner.
Member memo:
This month, we have a very special member memo by Emma. She has composed an amazing piece of piano music, that is attached to this e-mail. This is what Emma has to say about it:
For my elective paper (profielwerkstuk) I composed some piano music based on a book called Julia’s journey (Julia’s reis). Although it is a children’s book, it has always been one of my favorite things to read. This audio memo is one of the six pieces I wrote based on the book. The message of the song comes down to this: Bad things can happen when you least expect it. But in the end, it will all be fine.
I thought this message would be perfectly applicable to the whole Covid-19 situation, and that is why I wanted to share it with you all.
Stay healthy, stay positive and hang in there; before you know it, things are back to normal again.
- Emma Makkink
If you want to be featured in the next newsletter, feel free to reach out to us on
This week's NoteBoard submission is written by Michael, secretary of Kliché.
The idea behind including this NoteBoard section was to give you, Kliché members, a little insight into the behind the scenes of your study association. I thought long and hard about what to write in this small section, but have had to concede to what they call writer’s block. Perhaps you could say that isn’t really a surprise; not much has changed since last month, when Brechtje told us to stick to our morning coffee. I did, and it worked, so thanks for the advice. Apart from a nearing second wave, new rules about the maximum number of people you’re allowed to have a drink with, and an ever changing opinion about whether facemasks work or not, we’re pretty much in the same boat we were this time last month, or the month before that for that matter.
What has changed, is that we’ve (at least somewhat) adjusted to the new school year. At least, I hope so, since exams are coming ever closer: something I’m finding hard to admit to myself. I guess there is something I’d like to say to you: keep going. When I think about the last physical activity Kliché hosted last year, the game night halfway through March, it doesn’t feel like half a year ago. If anything, it feels like this year has just started, even though it’s almost starting to come to an end. So just keep going, we’ll be fine. And even if your morning coffee fails, at least you have Kliché activities to keep you entertained.
That concludes the newsletter for this month. We hope to see many of you at October's activities!
Kind regards,
The board of Kliché